There's plenty of debate over the best settings for MLB The Show 25. Everyone has their own taste and nuances that lead them to preferring one thing over the other. Still, here's a guide on the general hitting settings to help you find what works best for you. This is a basic guide geared toward new players.
We'll touch on the more "important" settings here. If we don't speak to a specific option, it's most likely aesthetic based or something not as important to the gameplay side of things.
Best Hitting Settings in MLB The Show 25

Hitting Interface
If you want the most control over your swings, using Zone Hitting is an absolute must. That isn't to say you can't have success with other input methods like Analogue or Directional. However, when it comes to truly applying your stick skills - Zone Hitting is king.
PCI Anchor
I personally don't use the PCI Anchor, but essentially, it allows you to park your PCI in a designated part of the strike zone. This can be a great tool if utilized correctly. If you find yourself struggling to move your PCI to a particular part of the zone, you can park your PCI there with the anchor then move your PCI around the rest of the zone.
This is truly an option you have to use in order to discern if it'll be of use to you. There's more flexibility with Anchor this year, allowing you to set it in different spots based off the current matchup.
PCI Settings
If you're using Zone Hitting, you have the ability to customize your PCI. This includes not only the shape of the PCI, but the color, the opacity, and even if it fades out before the pitch is thrown.
I'll share my personal settings and explain my choices. But again - this is really something you'll have to experiment with to land on what works best for you.
- PCI On (This means you'll actually see the PCI)
- Center Diamonds
- Inner Starfighter
- Outer None
- Color: Black/Magenta (I switch back and forth to help my eyes focus better)
- Opacity: 90%
- Inner/Outer Fade
Over the years, this combination is what feels comfortable to me. It doesn't mean your eyes will like this as much as mine, so again - general guide to help you get on your way.
I will routinely switch the color back and forth, as I believe it helps me focus more. There's no empirical science to show you, it's more of a feel-thing for me. The same applies to the Opacity setting. I'll make it darker or lighter over time when I feel I need to make adjustments.
Real hitters make adjustments all the time. We're just staring at a screen, but I believe it's useful to change up the actual mechanical displays time and again to stay fresh.
Closing Thoughts
We'll share similar setting guides for pitching, cameras, fielding and more! If you're an experienced player, feel free to share your settings in the comments!
To reiterate: play the game the way you enjoy it most! Don't force yourself to use the "competitive" settings of others just because they're good at the game. If you're brand new, use these to get started and adjust where necessary. Remember to give yourself some real time to try and adapt and adjust to the settings, too. If you change settings in between every pitch, you'll never get comfortable enough to even truly know if they work!
Happy hitting!
Cory Wayne Dell
Cory has been writing about all things baseball and gaming since 2022 and has been featured at Operation Sports as well as cited by Forbes. Cory is also a multi-instrumentalist and founder of the band Cargocastle. Cargocastle's latest single, "Truth and Reconciliation," is available on Spotify and all major streaming platforms. Cory is also the author of Shadow of a Monster, a personal memoir currently seeking publication.