Overall Ratings
Below you can see Sammy Sosa in-game overall as well as his True Overall Ratings at each position.
Player Ranks
This is where Sammy Sosa ranks against all other players in the game.
Right vs Left Overall
#276Right vs Left Power
#66Right vs Left Contact
#174Right vs Left Balanced
#598Own The Real Card
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Player Attributes
Detailed breakdown of Sammy Sosa's in-game attributes.
Market Analysis
Real-time market data and historical price trends for Sammy Sosa.
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Last Updated
5m ago
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Player Quirks
Sammy Sosa has the following quirks that improve attributes in certain situations.


First-Pitch Hitter

Day Player

Dead Red

Situational Hitter
Player Information
Below you can see Sammy Sosa's real life MLB stats and bio data.
- Full Name
- Samuel Peralta Sosa
- Height/Weight
- 6'0" / 185 lbs
- Born
- 11/12/1968
- Birth City
- San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic
- Nicknames
- Slammin' Sammy, Say it Ain't Sosa
- High School
- San Pedro de Macoris (San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic)
- Rookie Season
- 1989
Career Timeline
A comprehensive list of all the teams Sammy Sosa has played for.
Year | Team | League | Age |
1989 | Texas Rangers | American League | 20 |
1989 | Chicago White Sox | American League | 20 |
1990 | Chicago White Sox | American League | 21 |
1991 | Chicago White Sox | American League | 22 |
1992 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 23 |
1993 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 24 |
1994 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 25 |
1995 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 26 |
1996 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 27 |
1997 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 28 |
1998 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 29 |
1999 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 30 |
2000 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 31 |
2001 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 32 |
2002 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 33 |
2003 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 34 |
2004 | Chicago Cubs | National League | 35 |
2005 | Baltimore Orioles | American League | 36 |
2007 | Texas Rangers | American League | 38 |
Career Accolades
Notable achievements and recognition throughout Sammy Sosa's career.
Most Valuable Player Award
HR Derby Champ
Silver Slugger
TSN Major League Player of the Year
Roberto Clemente Humanitarian Award
Player Reviews
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