Overall Ratings
Below you can see Jackie Bradley Jr. in-game overall as well as his True Overall Ratings at each position.
Player Ranks
This is where Jackie Bradley Jr. ranks against all other players in the game.
Left vs Right Overall
#669Left vs Right Power
#699Left vs Right Contact
#699Left vs Right Balanced
#1,111Own The Real Card
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Player Attributes
Detailed breakdown of Jackie Bradley Jr.'s in-game attributes.
Player Quirks
Jackie Bradley Jr. has the following quirks that improve attributes in certain situations.
No quirks available for this player.
Player Information
Below you can see Jackie Bradley Jr.'s real life MLB stats and bio data.
- Full Name
- Jackie Bradley
- Height/Weight
- 5'10" / 196 lbs
- Born
- 4/19/1990
- Birth City
- Richmond, VA
- Nicknames
- High School
- Prince George HS (Prince George, VA)
- College
- University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC)
- Rookie Season
- 2014
- Service Time
- 9.057
Social Media
- X Handle
- JackieBradleyJr
- Instagram Handle
- jackiebradleyjr
Career Timeline
A comprehensive list of all the teams Jackie Bradley Jr. has played for.
Year | Team | League | Age |
2013 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 23 |
2014 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 24 |
2015 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 25 |
2016 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 26 |
2017 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 27 |
2018 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 28 |
2019 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 29 |
2020 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 30 |
2021 | Milwaukee Brewers | National League | 31 |
2022 | Boston Red Sox | American League | 32 |
2022 | Toronto Blue Jays | American League | 32 |
2023 | Kansas City Royals | American League | 33 |
Career Accolades
Notable achievements and recognition throughout Jackie Bradley Jr.'s career.
World Series
Gold Glove
Player Reviews
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