2021 was a milestone year for the MLB The Show franchise. Not only did the franchise introduce new features – such as the stadium creator and “parallel” system – the franchise also brought baseball back to the Xbox for the first time since 2013.
What does San Diego Studios have lined up for 2022? Will the lockout delay the release of the game? Will The Show finally be available on the Nintendo Switch? Let’s dive in!
It’s easy to assume the current MLB lockout will delay the release of the game – but that may not be the case.
In 2012, during the NBA lockout, 2K still released their popular basketball game. This is possible because 2K has separate agreements/licenses with the Player’s Association and the league.
It is believed that SDS also has separate agreements with the MLB Player’s Association and the league itself. If this is the case, the lockout should not effect the release of the game.
In December 2019, SDS and MLB announced the MLB The Show would be releasing to “additional console platforms”. It didn’t take long for the official Xbox and Nintendo Twitter accounts to retweet the announcement – leading to mass speculation the game would launch on both the Xbox and Nintendo Switch. However, when MLB The Show 21 was official announced – no Nintendo Switch version was included.
But there are hints that MLB The Show 21 was possibly slated to launch on the Nintendo Switch. Obviously, Nintendo tweeting the announcement is a major hint, but the design of the in-game menu system may have been another clue.
When MLB The Show 21 launched, many users were displeased with the in-game menu system. Compared to previous years, the menu system in 21 was pretty basic – almost similar to how you see menu systems on other Nintendo Switch titles.
So while we have no official news, we strongly believe we will see MLB The Show 22 on the Nintendo Switch.
Again, we have no official news on the cover athlete for MLB The Show 22 – however, it almost seems like a swing-and-miss if Shohei Ohtani isn’t gracing the cover this year. We’re not sure who made this cover mockup – but kudos to whoever did! (If it was you, reach out and we will make sure to credit you).
As of the writing of this article, there is no official information on MLB The Show 22. However, we can look at the release of previous games to get an idea.
Remember, MLB The Show 21 was the first time the franchise was ever available on Xbox – and it was the first edition of the game on next-gen consoles – so the extra development time makes sense.
We started getting information about MLB The Show 21 in February of 2021, so if SDS sticks to the same schedule, we should only be a few weeks away from getting some official news.
Jeremy is a partner and developer at ShowZone. He also does random stuff, like writing the article you just read.