October 18, 2023 by Cory Dell
The Postseason is now in full-swing which means 2023 Postseason content will be continually dropped in MLB The Show 23 over the next few weeks. The content will be staggered by about a week, meaning the content hitting Diamond Dynasty is from the round the week before. First up is the Wild Card program.
Let’s dig in.
Postseason content in Diamond Dynasty is usually a good time. As players immortalize themselves with show-stopping performances, they become legends on the virtual diamond as well with typically epic cards.
The Wild Card round is over and sees the first batch of featured content in Diamond Dynasty. As with most programs, you’ll need to accrue a total of 100 program stars to complete the program and earn all the included rewards.
For the Wild Card round, there’s a total of ten Moments worth 2 program stars each. Completing all Moments will net you a total of 20 program stars.
There’s also a handful of PXP missions to help your program progress:
There’s a hefty list of stat missions to complete this time around. Online players get a bit of extra incentive as there are some online exclusive stat grinds, while the offline/online split recently introduced returns again as well.
*Online stat mission requirements are (in parentheses) and must be completed separately from offline stat missions. You do not earn progress in both simultaneously.*
The added variety is a huge win here. We don’t need an equal split between online and offline missions, just a healthy dose of both. Online-focused players can now comfortably complete programs like this with considerably less time spent offline.
Conquest fans still get a new map with some extra goodies. Completing this map nets you 20 program stars.
Online players have a chance at extra progress again with the optional Event collection. This collection can be completed until the Wild Card Event ends on October 20.
A new wrinkle is the addition of Mini Seasons vouchers in a Postseason-themed Mini Seasons. For every three games you win, you’ll earn a 2023 Postseason Voucher that can be applied to any Postseason Series program. This means you can stock up on vouchers and boost your way through the future programs in the coming weeks.
Each Postseason Voucher is worth 3 program stars. You’ll also earn a 2021 Postseason A.J. Pollock if you win the Postseason Mini Seasons Championship.
In total, players will earn eight Pennant Chase packs, 14,000 XP and 16 Set 4 cards. Of those program cards, five new 99 overall cards hit Diamond Dynasty.
The first of several Postseason programs drops some fun cards. As the Postseason progresses, we’ll definitely get some meatier cards and probably end up with a Diamond Dynasty legend or two. A huge bonus of these programs is the free Set cards to plug into collections. While none of these cards are blow-you-away-good, the 99 overalls are at least interesting enough on their own.
That’s the Wild Card Program in Diamond Dynasty! Are you looking forward to any specific cards? Let us know in the comments!
Cory has been writing about all things baseball and gaming since 2022 and has written for Operation Sports and cited in Forbes. Baseball, video games and music have dominated his interests and Cory recently launched his own website, Cathartic Scribe, as his personal destination for thoughts beyond his featured writing. Cory also founded Cargocastle, a one-man music project, that can be streamed on all major streaming platforms as well as Soundcloud and Bandcamp.
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